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Another Bad day. My other friend Jas and Willis will not stop arguing. I swear if they argue again tomorrow, I'm dumping him and never speaking to either again.
Is this a good idea?

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CookieDoughFormats >>HoldMySecrets?<< ♥♥♥

1 faves · 1 comments · Jan 11, 2012 5:15pm






LEXIExTAYLOR · 1 decade ago
i was in the same situation with my friend allison. her boyfriend bullied me &even punched me in the face. sisters before misters is what i always said. and one day she finally relized that at my house & dumped him right then in there & said she wanted to spend her time with me. talk to willis, threaten him that you WILL break up with him if hes not nice to your friend. jas. if he still continues, break up with him & hang out with jas. youll find someone better.(:
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