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People bully me.. and i'm having thoughts about killing myself.
1 Timothy 4:12. Read the verse over to yourself over and over and over. YOU are amazing. YOU are Gods masterpiece. YOU are wonderful. YOU are the one who people would die without even knowing they would. YOU are amazing. Times are tough, but you will get through it. Stay strong. Call me right now. ok? I love you. <3 

                                                                                                                         If you or someone you know are   
being bullied, just know that everything will work out. Times may be hard now, but you will get through this. So many people love you. You may not know it, but so many people would be devistated to live without you. If anyone is having these thoughts or are just having a bad day,  PLEASE message me on my WITTY FACEBOOK. You don't have to go through this alone. I am on there as "Barbara Witty" Friend me, message me, and we will go through this together. You are amazing. :)                                       

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People bully me.. and i'm having thoughts about killing myself.

1 faves · Jan 10, 2012 6:24pm






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