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hannahlovesxox format

Dear Maggie,
Hello. Time for another long note for you! Well first, I never told you how pretty you looked today on your super long note in school. I was too busy working on our beautiful zoo. So you looked gorgeous, as always. Your hair always looks so pretty and perfect, ugh I'm so jealous. And I know we both get jealous when we like talk to other people and everything, but I know we're trying not to and that's good. We can do it. I'm so0o0o0o tired, but I don't want to sleep. So you are the best friend that anyone could ask for. You always make me feel so much more important and like I'm worth something. Thank you so much. You have always been here for me when no one else was, you're amazing for doing that for me. I'm freeeeezing. My rooms always sooo cold. Like the freaking polar ice caps. Ugh. So I'm a little sad that we can't hangout Saturday, but come hang out with me soon because I miss you so much and I don't have a life. I'd rather hang out with you than do anything else too. Ugh my hands are cold. I complain too much, especially about the temperature. So I can't wait to buy a zoo with you. Yayayay. Ugh, I wish I could swear. William's being a donkey. Wtf. Ok so apparently its midnight? I literally thought it was like 10 30. Well I should sleep, you know that thing we never do anymore. OKay I love you SO much and I'll talk to you tomorrow best friend. Have a good day. Gooooodnightttttt.
~Ellie(Kayla)    (

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hannahlovesxox format Dear Maggie, Hello. Time for another long

1 faves · 1 comments · Jan 10, 2012 12:06am






madsoftball4 · 1 decade ago
Worth something? Your worth all the money in thee bank!! I love you too. And although I did get somewhat jealous when to posted on Kayla's wall, I got over it. I love you too. And I have no life either except Saturday cuz I have a family party. And please, you look beautiful every day tooo! My eye itches. Fix it. Kbyee
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