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My Summer

Chapter 2
I had now been in San Antonio for 4 days now, and I was loving it. I can't believe how nice Texans are - so much nicer than us Brits! And everyone seemed to swoon over my London accent, which i secretly loved. I had tan lines already and I loved being able to go out shopping during the day, and then hit the neighborhood pool at about 3 in the afternoon. Wow, this really is the life. I didn't think 3 weeks was going to be long enough in this paradise! But I held onto the fact that my father was really trying his hardest to find a job for us to move over here.
I was going to Walmart with the family in the mini van to do some food shopping, and then to go for a swim after. I had some money on me, so I wondered around by myself.
After browsing for 15 minutes or so I found the posters, and I decided to look through all the ones of Justin Bieber. Could you blame me? It was then that I heard someone snicker behind me. I just ignored whoever it was - they might not even me laughing at me. But then I heard one of them mutter aloud "Ha. Look at her - buying Justin Bieber posters." The myseterious boy sneered. And someone else then muffled a laugh in return. I was annoyed. Who did these guys think they were?! So I turned around to face them.
"Excuse me, you don't like what I'm looking at? Then walk away. You think I want you standing behind me making snide comments while I can hear? I didn't think so. Got a problem, then MOVE." I retorted, sounding as sarcastic as I could, whilst really turning on the posh London accent.
I could see that I had obviously shocked them. Maybe it was the fact I was English, maybe it was the fact that I had beat them at their own game. Either way, they were both standing there with their mouths hanging open. I raised my eyebrow at them, and the one who had make the coment laughed and seemed to soften up a bit. He was actually... really good looking. Like extremely good looking. He had very tanned skin with the most amazing colour hair, like caramel. He had the most beautiful eyes I had honestly ever seen, they were light brown round the edges, and green in the middle. I was mesmerized. But I quickly realised I was staring and looked down, blushing slightly.
"Well I sure weren't expectin' that, were you Flash?" The handome boy turned to his friend. This 'Flash' boy had a very proffessional looking camera round his neck, with blonde hair and tanned skin also, but he had pale blue eyes, not as pretty as the other one...
"What? You mean a pretty young lady turnin' round and actually givin' you a taste of your own medicine for once?" Flash replied smugly.
"I am still present, you know?" I piped in, annoyed at how they were talking about me, while I was standing right there.
"Oh, I'm sorry - I didn't catch your name," Pretty boy asked me.
"L-lacie..." I trailed off. His eyes were smoldering, but I bet he did that with all the girls.
"Hi Lacie, thats a cute name. I'm Jason, and my pal here is Flash. What part of England you from? And what in the world are you doing in San Anonio?" Jason. I liked that name, maybe a little too much...
"Why are you called Flash?" I asked the tall boy, "And I live about 20 minutes out of Central London."
"I'm a photographer, my camera flashes a lot, and so I got stuck with the nickname. And cool, from the big city. I always wanted to go there. Great places to take pictures." Flash was really friendly, he seemed like a really nice, genuine person.
"Well Lacie, they have a starbucks in here, you wanna grab a drink with us?" Jason boldly asked.
"Um... okay. I just need to inform my father." The boys looked at each other and burst out laughing, clutching their stomachs. "What's so funny?" I asked, puzzled.
"You're so Brittish," Jason ruffled my hair. Like that was an explanation. I walked off to go find my family. Then went back to meet the two guys.
"I'll have a double choc-chip frappacino please," I ordered at the Starbucks. I pulled out a few dollars, but got really confused with the coins. How much was a nickle worth? What's a dime? I heard Jason snicker again, and I turned round, annoyed, to see him pulling out a few dollar bills and handing them to the man.
"It's on me." He smirked. Oh he was way too confident for my liking.
"T-thanks... J-jason..." Why did I have to sound so stupid?! I was just some innocent little girl to him, which I hated. He had hardly known me for 15 minutes!
But we grabbed a table and all sat down.
"So," Jason started, "Tell me more about youself."


Thankyou so much for reading! I really can't wait to get into this story, I have so many ideas for it! If you're reading, I would really appreciate it if you faved it, tehehe, thankyou so much, i love you allll <3

format to - lollipopx3 (changed colours a bit on the title)


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My Summer Chapter 2 I had now been in San Antonio for 4 days

15 faves · Jan 9, 2012 6:23pm






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