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Hold My Secrets?
I went to a basketball game by myself last night. I was sitting on the bleachers when Chase walked in, I saw him scanning the crowd for me. He saw me then he waved me over. I'm still dating Willis, but Chase is the closest I have to a best friend. We spent the evening out by concessions, with a few friends, just acting dumb. We were standing there and Chase looks at me and says "I love you"
I told my friend, Kate about this a few hours later. She dated Chase last December. She told me to talk to Willis before Chase or any of the people in the grade above us did. She said if I'm not the one telling him, they'll make it worse than it was.



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Hold My Secrets? I went to a basketball game by myself last night.

3 faves · 2 comments · Jan 7, 2012 8:20am






DancingOwls · 1 decade ago
oKay well it first starts off. With the person you feel more conferrable with. Telling things with. And saying i love you. Or anything.
Most importantly. the person you have feeling about more. I hope this helped.
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maxiemax456 · 1 decade ago
pull up this quote and let him read it. that what i would do. : ) if you have any thing else or if this isn't an idea you feel comportable with just tell me, i'll make more!
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