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Faith Hope Love
Chapter 7
Bree's POV
At School

I finally found Lindsey and Hailey and started bawling. I don't know why I waited so long to let the tears stream down my face. When they saw me they asked what was wrong.
"Well the good news is we are hanging out. The bad news is you two need to come with me." I got out but who knows if they could understand it.
"Why would we ruin your date?" Lindsey asked.
"It's not a date. Him and the guys are going to fisherman's cove. So you two come too so Im not alone."
"Let me go talk to Austin about this. You stay with Hailey."
"Im sorry Bree. I don't know why Jacob would do that." Hailey said once Lindsey left.
"He said he has a lot going on. Maybe it has to do with that girl at the party."
"Maybe. I mean we don't talk to him much so who knows."
"Well thats the bell so I am going to get to class." I say.
Right as I am about to walk into the classroom I check my phone. 
*3 new messages*
Okay well maybe something's wrong I think. One message is from my mom, one is from Lindsey, and the last is from Jacob.
Well lets just check them in order. First from my mom:
Hey honey, you need to find a ride home I have an important meeting for work. Sorry :(
Okay well that one wasn't too bad I'll just ask Lindsey. Next message.
Lindsey: Hey girl. I talked to Austin and he said Jacob and that girl you saw at the party well they kinda have a thing and he doesn't wanna ruin it. BUT I will totally go with you to the beach.
Me: Thanks. Hey you think I could get a ride home and too the beach? My mom bailed on me. :(
And finally the message from Jacob. Not the thing I want to read.
Jacob: I know I wasn't very nice today at lunch and surprised you with the fact it wasn't a date. I just want you to know I kind of have a girlfriend and I am not the cheating type so nothing can happen between us. I am sorry. Maybe someday after we break up?
Me: Well when do you think that will be exactly? Im not the waiting type.

And after I sent the message I realized that when I walked in I was in Jacob's class. Just the thing I wanted at this time. I don't remember him being in this class. Maybe he changed schedules or something who knows. Well I guess only time will tell if he truely cares about me and my feelings or if he is too in love with this other girl to care. At least we can still be friends and hangout at the beach after school right? And I always have my girls on my side(:

Thanks for reading. Hope you like it(:
Sorry I haven't been posting I have been busy with school and planning on where to take the story(:
Please comment with your thoughts(:

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Faith Hope Love Chapter 7 Bree's POV At School I finally

2 faves · Jan 5, 2012 10:50pm






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