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 You would be Simba if I was Nala,
Jacob Black if I were a smarter Bella,

I love you more than Mr. Krabbs loves money, and I need you more than Sandy needs air.

Damian, I love you. You are my best friend, the only person that I ever want to date and the only one for me. I am so lucky that we are dating. You have made these past three months the best of my life...so I was wondering........

Do you want to go Snoball with me?

Wittygirls I need opinions...should I ask my boyfriend to the dance like this??


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You would be Simba if I was Nala, Jacob Black if I were a smarter

1 faves · 1 comments · Jan 5, 2012 4:59pm






ABeautifulDisasterx3 · 1 decade ago
"Jacob Black if I were a smarter Bella."
omg, my life = made.
& you should, that's a really cute way to do it. c:
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