Witty Profiles

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What Each Kiss Means
-Kiss on the stomach =I'm ready
-Kiss on the Forehead =I hope we're together forever
-Kiss on the Ear =You're my everything
-Kiss on the Cheek Be with me
-Kiss on the Hand I adore you
-Kiss on the Neck We belong together
-Kiss on the Shoulder I want you
-Kiss on the Lips I love you

What the gesture means...
-Holding Hands =We definitely love each other
-Slap on the Butt =That's mine
-Holding on tight =I don't want to let go
-Looking into each other’s Eyes =I just plain love you
-Playing with Hair =Tell me you love me
-Arms around the Waist =I love you too much to let go
-Laughing while Kissing =I am completely comfortable with you
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What Each Kiss Means -Kiss on the stomach =I'm ready -Kiss

0 faves · Jan 4, 2012 11:44pm




