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Everyone my age drinks,
I feel like I should too.
Some parts of me want to do it,
But I don't think I could handle the guilt from it.

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Everyone my age drinks, I feel like I should too. Some parts

5 faves · 2 comments · Jan 4, 2012 7:24pm






Jociii · 1 decade ago
thank you soooooooo much!
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Chrisssy63 · 1 decade ago
Don't do it. It could be a big mistake. I know so many people who have screwed up their lives because of it. Mine got screwed up because someone else is an alcoholic. And depending on how old you are, and how your body reacts to alcohol, you could become addicted, and it could ruin your whole life. It's one thing to drink a little at a party, but don't make drinking become a usual thing for you
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