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I hate thshow "16 anPregnant" so much.
There are 13 year old kids fighting cancer.

Where is their TV show?


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I hate the show "16 and Pregnant" so much. There are

1597 faves · 26 comments · Jan 4, 2012 7:17pm






niccas98 · 1 decade ago
if i had cameras shoved in my face i'd probs shoot someone
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browneyegirl29 · 1 decade ago
I disagree. I don't think that show makes teens get pregnant. If you google the teen pregnancy rate it says its the lowest that it has been in 2 decades. And I personally think that it shows the struggles that the girls have to go through. I'm not saying that cancer is smooth sailing, (I would know), and I mean I would want to be on TV but when you have all treatment and stuff you don't want a camera shoved in your face every 2 seconds.. But I think watching the show 16 and pregnant diffidently shows that I don't want to have at such a young age.
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hearttbreakerrx3 · 1 decade ago
If I was 13 and had cancer, I wouldn't want a camera shoved in my face every five seconds.
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niccas98 · 1 decade ago
im 13 with cancer; but im surviving it; yay. im actually almost done
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hermione23katniss · 1 decade ago
JUST STOP. I have my own opinions and you cant accept that. seriously, just STOP IT.
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cvnt* · 1 decade ago
Honestly? Really? Just because a teenager gets pregnant does NOT make her a . Teenagers can be in love. Teenagers can have . It's their body, their life, they should be able to do whatever they want to without people constantly calling them whores. My sister had in high school, and she sure as heck isn't a . It may not show the entire reality, but it does show what bad can happen. No, believe it or not, teenagers don't just think getting pregnant will get them famous. I don't understand where you get that idea.
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Pankake · 1 decade ago
That's so true. Maybe not a show haha, they already deal with too much. But definitely, its such a waste..
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EllieBabeex33 · 1 decade ago
because that is too depressing. 16 & pregnant is tragic but funny.
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RealFearless · 1 decade ago
EXACTLY! come on what r tv producers thinking! gosh!!!
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Albelys · 1 decade ago
This is so Fucken True. Children are most likelt thinking Well, I want to have at age 16 to be on this show. Like wtf ?
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RainbowFlirt687 · 1 decade ago
Lol this has got to be the dumbest quote ive ever read
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Musicc99 · 1 decade ago
Unless they were , the teens brought it on themselves. Just saying. But it does teach teens out there that that could be you.lol
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kotababii · 1 decade ago
I actually think 16 and Pregnant shows an important lesson. If all that looks easy to someone, they have issues. It makes me scared to have a baby this young. But personally I love that show. But what if you are watching a show about teenagers with cancer and they pass away throughout the show and don't survive..that's depressing. Watching that, could make someone traumatized. And people don't choose to have cancer, so the show wouldn't really teach a lesson, only show how sad and depressing people's lives are. And I do think Cancer is HORRIBLE, so don't think I don't.
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Ldunham12 · 1 decade ago
Everyone suffers in their own way, some get pregnant, some get cancer. getting pregnant is just more interesting to watch. get over ittt. not being rude, just saying.
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hermione23katniss · 1 decade ago
Yeah many people dont like the idea of watching a TV show about cancer. I would feel depressed too... My real point is: a show like 16 and pregnant is terrible. there are more important things to watch
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LONERFORLIFEEE · 1 decade ago
I don't want to be rude, but I for sure wouldn't want to watch that. Me being a survivor and my mom being one too, I for sure wouldn't want to watch that. My aunt and uncle dies from cancer. I'm sorry but I don't like the ideaaa.
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ZombieSlayer · 1 decade ago
Not many people would want to watch a show about kids with cancer because it would be really depressing...
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XxZadmasXx · 1 decade ago
Hell yeah!! Thats what im talking about who ever wrote this is the smartest person out there

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emsteffers · 1 decade ago
i know mtv doesnt think it would be that interesting so they dont make a show about..honestly if there was something about it i would totally watch it but i love 16 and pregnant and teen mom 2 because i teaches teenagers about how hard it is to have a child so ya im done boring you soooo ya:)
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Missunperfect · 1 decade ago
I have to agree. Most teenagers want to become famous (only some) so practically, its encouraging having unprotected . Yet their is 13 year olds who haven't even lived their life yet and might die.
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