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I nonchalantly walked into the empty, darkened church that night. Sabrina was right; churches had no security what so ever, they were always open for people to pray. I felt like my old self again; the bad Santana and I didn't like it one bit. Believe me, I wasn't proud of what I was about to do but it had to be done. After this I'm never ever going to steal again. 

It felt as if the eyes from the statues of the saints were following me around. They were making me feel more and more guilty about what I was about to do. I genuflected and knelt to pray. I made the sign of the corss and started to pray, "God, I've become very close to you recently. And because of you, I have become a better person. I know you're probably disappointed in me for what I'm about to do. But, I also bet you understand why I want to do this. Please forgive me in advance for the money I'm about to steal. I'm so sorry. Amen." The bells of the church started to chime, it was midnight. I made another sign of the cross to end the prayer and stood up.

I started to glide towards the preist's office where the money was kept. Candle lights flickered and the beaty eyes of the statues continued to stare at me. I heard a sudden clatter, as if something was knocked down. "Whose there?" I said in a shaky voice. Of course nobody answered. I continued to walk to to office. It felt like somebody was watching me. Yes, an actualy somebody not just the statues in the church. Sweat started to pelt down my face. Every inch of me wanted to turn around and go home but then I rembered my father and everything he did to raise me and I continued to walk towards the office.

I finally reached the office and found the safe where the money was kept. I had no trouble at all breaking the code to open it. It was almost too easy. I was about to reach for the money when I heard another sound, it almost sounded like foot steps. I was probably just paranoid and my guilt was getting the best of me. I quickly counted out $80,000 and stuffed it in my bag.

I started to run out of the room beofer I changed my mind. On my way out I ran into a table holding brocheres; they caught my eye. I don't know what drove me to do this but I opened it up. It was about the fundraiser that I had just stolen money from. I read it all; it was about starving kids in Africa. I started to tear up in their dismay. They needed the money more than I did. "I can't do this." I wisphered to myself.

Unwillingly I went back to the safe and put all the money back. I hesitated to close it back up again but I did. I slowly started to walk towards the exit of the church. "Thank you God, for giving me that sign and making me do the right thing." I wispered on my way out. I was startled by clapping, a round of applause. I gasped and looked over in the direction it was coming from. It was Will. "I knew you'd do the right thing." I ran over to him and collapsed in his arms, crying. "It was so hard. I had the money. I just couldn't do it." He patted me on the back, soothing me. "I know. I'm so proud of you Santana, trust me you'll find another way to bail out your dad." I wiped the tears away from my cheeks. "You think so?" I asked. "I know so." he assured me.

He stood there, holding me, until I stopped crying in the church. "I love you." he proclaimed. "I love you too, Will." Then we kissed; it was the best feeling in the whole entire world. Even better than the feeling I got when I put back the money and decided not to steal it. The only problem was, I still needed a way to bail out my dad. I wasn't giving up just yet.

Busy, busy, busy day tomorrow! I will be posting the LAST TWO CHAPTERS of this story PLUS the first chapter of my new story "How to Solve a Murder Without Being Murdered" :) I hope you all read it; it's going to have a lot of romance in it for a murder mystery! lol! Alrighty, time to watch pretty little liars;)

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BadGirlGoneGood 23 I nonchalantly walked into the empty, darkened

207 faves · 21 comments · Jan 2, 2012 7:52pm






unibugsrock · 1 decade ago
YAAAY! She did the right thing!!!! I'm amazed at how you come up with these things! Any ways, OMG! Off to read the LAST TWO CHAPTERS! Wow. This has been amazing. :)
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monkeydancer98 · 1 decade ago
i knew she wouldnt do it :) el oh el i cant wait till tonight to read it
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emsteffers · 1 decade ago
OMG i love your stories:) i normally scroll past the stories and the i see its bad girl gone good and im like omg *reads all the chapters i havent read* ahha

OMG i had no idea that hannah loks that bad in orange:) and mike punched ezra!!!! i was like omgomgomg this is freaking AWESOME!!:) and then the last part where emily goes and looks in the box i was like ahhh i bet A`s in there.......she wasnt but wat eves:) ahah so ill stop boring you and go:) bye:)
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TuckersGirl · 1 decade ago
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ironichick · 1 decade ago
ahhh this story is serioudly amazing i have always scrolled right past the stories but yours is increndible thankyouthankyou<3 for posting and have fun watching pll i love tht show!

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OliviaLee · 1 decade ago
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes ♥
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ImJustThatAwesome · 1 decade ago
SO SO SO SO SO SO good!!!
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dubesbabe06 · 1 decade ago
no it cant end!!!!!
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Marigail · 1 decade ago
Omg I luuuv plll! I didnt know emily could be so aggressive, and them ezra walks in where aria and missbitchyface were talking and was like... Umm.....? Hi.... and poor poor ezra!! So awkward... jeees Mike! DX
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itsnickipewpyo · 1 decade ago
I don't want this story to end D:
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Ldunham12 · 1 decade ago
I knew she'd do the right thingggggggggg♥
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awkwardpenguin · 1 decade ago
Cant wait until tomorrow then:):) last two chapters PLUS your new story? too good to be truee!!! loved this chapter btw! &im gonna watch pll toooooo!!
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belieber23 · 1 decade ago
aw yay i loved this chapter! this storys like sooo good! &I CANT WAIT FOR YOUR NEXT STORY!!!!!!
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mylifeisawkward23 · 1 decade ago
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ohmylanta · 1 decade ago
&&this is why i love this story:)
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uptowngirl23 · 1 decade ago
yayy im glad she didnt steal:):) &omg i have to watch that too now! im soo excited!!
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xxchloethedogxx · 1 decade ago
AMAZING! i love this story! its legit the bestest one on witty ever!! teehee!
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xxnailpolishxx · 1 decade ago
holy shizz this story is sooo good!
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zpoiledrotton313 · 1 decade ago
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stillwaitingforyou · 1 decade ago
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