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chapter 1

I walked towards  my father's tomb stone, and placed a letter on his grave. My father was a very kind man, and I missed him dearly. I was extremely close to him, but I never got to say goodbye. That's why I wrote the letter. I wanted to say goodbye in a way that might actually reach him. You might be wondering how he died, and I really don't know myself.  I blame myself for his death, but I've been told it's not my fault. My name's Jodi, and I'm 16. I live with my mother in New York City. I need to solve the case of who killed my father.  Police Officers found him with three shot wounds, laying in a swamp, miles from our home. My mother's an alcoholic, and she's gotten worse since my father passed. She comes home from being a bartender, drunk out of her mind. I'm not sure how she's becoming drunk, they shouldn't let her drink while she's working. I only have one friend, his name is Cole. He's been through everything with me. We've been a 'couple' before, but he ended it. He said he wasn't ready, but I still love him. I'm meeting him at a coffee shop today, but I'm not sure what he has to say.

It's going to be big, I hope....... Feedback(: I'll write chapter 2 tonight :D


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Road to Nowhere chapter 1 I walked towards my father's tomb

2 faves · Jan 2, 2012 4:28pm






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