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This Summer <33

As my dad pulled into the circular drive way, my younger sister Madalyn hopped out and ran up to the door. “Oh, daddy! We’re going to stay here?” She smiles brightly. “Oh thank you daddy!!”  What a kiss up. God.
“Thanks Dad.” I say blandly.  
He smiles tightly. Clearly not wanting to be nice to me.  When we stepped into the beach house, I gasped. The place was HUGE! Madalyn ran upstairs, and picked her room. Of course.. the biggest. I went down the hallway downstairs, I finally came to a room that had a green door. As I pushed it open I heard my dad say to someone on the phone
“Yeah, I can’t wait to get rid of the older one.” Ever since my mother left, I had spent nights on end out. Never was I home, I almost forgot I had a family, until I was busted at a party, drunk with my so called friends.
They told the police that I brought the drinks, and arrested me for the night. My dad didn’t want to bail me out. But he finally did. I am a minor.  
“Dad!” I yell. “I’m going to the beach, be back later.”  Not waiting for his response I opened the door.

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This Summer <33 As my dad pulled into the circular drive way,

1 faves · Jan 1, 2012 3:46am






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