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The In Crowd
Chapter one
Elizabeth's P.O.V.

With Ameal "But mom!" I shouted fixing my messy bedhair.
"No buts Liz! This lunch is important for both me and your father." 
"Dad! How could you do this to me?!"
"Be ready by 12:30." Both my mom and dad trudged out of my large bedroom.
"Ugh!" I screamed at my dog, BB. He gave me those cute puppy dog eyes, and whimpered. I lightly brushed his soft, black fur with my hand and unplugged my phone.
I called my three best friends; Bridget, Sophie, and Taylor.
"What! Liz! This is the last day of Winter break! How am I suppose to know what to wear tomorrow?! Your like, my stylist. I need you!" Taylor whinned in the phone. "Yeah Liz, can't you get out of it or something?" Sophie question. "Yeah, come on, Liz." Bridget begged.
"Girls, you'll be fine. I have lunch with my dad's stupid friends at one, then Marissa wants me at the ice rink at five. She has some new trick she wants me to try or something, I don't know. I gotta go bye." I pressed the red end button on my HTC Inspire. I began to get ready for lunch. By the time I finished it was one.
"Elizabeth! They're here!" My mom hollered. I waited a minute, then walked downstairs and out the door. Four people filed out of the light blue van. The two older people, which I was guessing were the parents, hugged my parents. There were two other kids standing behind them, a girl who looked my age (which was 13), and a boy who looked about nine or ten.
"Elizabeth, this is Mary. And her little brother Gabe."
I studied Mary's clothes. She was wearing light blue baggy jeans and a green sweater with an ugly red coat over it.
"Hi! I'm Mary!" She cheerfully greeted. I fake smiled at her.
I knew this wasn't going to be fun.

*First chattpperrrr! Whatchu thiinkkk?! Feedback please!:)
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The In Crowd Chapter one Elizabeth's P.O.V. With Ameal "But

6 faves · 2 comments · Dec 29, 2011 11:43pm