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Me: Hey...
Bestfriend: What'a wrong?

Me: Nothing
Bestfriend: Tell me.

Me: Today is the one year anniversary on me and him...
Bestfriend: Move on and forget about him! Hes not worth the tears...!
Me: To you maybe, but to me he meant everything to me. He was my life. My Bestfriend. My first love. And I just let him walk out of my life... like nothing ever happened. And ever since then I have regret every word I didnt say.. and now I have to watch him love someone else while I sit here crying ever night over him... I cant move on. Im still in love with him... & theres nothing I can do about it... I just want him back... I'd do anything to be in his arms again. I just want to be happy again.

True Story.
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Me: Hey... Bestfriend: What'a wrong? Me: Nothing Bestfriend:

2 faves · Dec 26, 2011 8:16pm






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