Witty Profiles

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Name thirteen people.
1) Madi
2) Catharine
3) Lily
4) Katie
5) Maisy
6) Jessica
7) Maggie
8) Andrew
9) Brennan
10) Alyssa
11) Jasmine
12) Jane
13) Alexis

How Did You Meet #10?
Ever seen #4 cry?

Would #12 & #3 make a good couple?

Are you good friend with #13?
 used to be when we were like 5.
Something you know about #1?
 she's freaky weird but i love her<3
How did you meet #12?
 neighbors, friends for a while though
#7 favorite color?
What would you do if #6 confessed they liked you?
HAHAHA that wouldnt happen:P and i would be a little scared..since she's a girl

 Worst thing about #5?
i feel short when i'm next to her.
Interesting fact about #9?
he has an adorable little sister<3
Would you live with #8?
Is #2 a single pringle?
 i think so
Where does #7 live?

 don't wanna say on here hahah.
What comes to mind when you think about #11?
 seeing her like everyday over the summer(:
Is #4 single?
What do you think about#3

 shais ohne of mah baisteys, lol lily.
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Name thirteen people. 1) Madi 2) Catharine 3) Lily 4) Katie 5)

1 faves · 1 comments · Dec 23, 2011 10:14am






jblove543 · 1 decade ago
HOW CAN YOU SAY IM NOT A GOOD MATCH FOR JANE??? lol jk im not . hawhaw awbree ai lahv yhu (: and dont feel bad i think everyone feels short next to maisy and how is katie kinda single are we talking about the same katie because SHE WONT TELL ME THE PERSON they insist its bebe but i dont believe them!
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