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12 signs that your in love :)

twelve: You walk really slow when you're with them.

eleven: You feel shy whenever they're around.
ten: You smile when you hear their voice.

nine: When you look at them, you can't see the other people around you just him/her.

seven: They're all you think about.

six: You realize you're always smiling when you're looking at them.

five: You would do anything just to see them.

four: While reading this, there was one person on your mind this whole time.

three: You just smiled because it was true.

two: You were so busy thinking about that person, you didn't notice number eight was missing.

one: You just scrolled up to check & are now silently laughing at yourself.

Now make a wish .................................................

Post this as your status, And something good will happen, because you read this, you will get kissed on Friday.

BREAK it and your crush will ask someone else out. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't post this You will have bad luck for 10 years of your life :(
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12 signs that your in love :) twelve: You walk really slow when

1 faves · 2 comments · Dec 21, 2011 7:23pm






angelforu · 1 decade ago
this is really cute :) lol
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Cayox · 1 decade ago
I agree:)
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