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Heres to the girls that blast on the Taylor Swift, cry themsleves to sleep, wait for the special boy, loves that one boy that well never love you. Eats when there bored. Go on witty every night. Laugh at stupid things. To the girls who put on little makeup. Who blushes for THAT guy. Have those pointless 5 hour phone calls with your best friend. To the girls that make those stupid mistakes but realize its for the best. For those girls who cry during those sappy love movies<3 Heres to the girls that no boy can forget about. Most importantly heres to the girls that love the most, cry the hardest, are the strongest and laugh the loudest..<3
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Heres to the girls that blast on the Taylor Swift, cry themsleves

4 faves · Dec 17, 2011 10:43pm






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