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Someone asked me the other day if my glass was half empty or half full.
I was going to say it's empty, but that's not completely true.
My life isn't void and I have my happy moments, but they usally
just seem to disappear, or get worse. So, my glass is cracked,
yes -- cracked. It gets filled up with happiness and hope,
but it always ends up escaping my grasp.
It always ends up emptying out.
It will never be full because it's always leaking
and one day, it will be thrown away,
because no one wants a broken glass.

Every single person you meet in life is there for a reason
wheter it's good or bad, happy or sad, they're there to
shape your life in one small way is another.

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Someone asked me the other day if my glass was half empty or

9 faves · Dec 12, 2011 10:27am





break up

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