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ThLast Goo dbye

Chapter 1

 "Scarlett honey, wake up, Your plane leaves in 6 hours! And don't you want time to say goodbye to Brent?" My dad awoke me from my deep sleep. "Ughhhh, no. I just want to crawl in a hole.!" I groaned. "Come on sweetie,!" My dad shook me. I threw the covers to the other side of the bed and stretched my arms up. My dad gave me a smile and left my room. I got up and put on the only outfit that lied in my room. Some dark short shorts and a plaid button up. Everything else was already packed and ready to go. I looked around my empty room and frowned. I slowly stumbled towards the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I took my hair out of the messy bun i went to sleep with and left it curly. I quickly put on some eyeliner and lipgloss and went downstairs. "Come on darling, cheer up." My dad greeted me as i angrily stomped down the stairs. "How can I?! I have to spend the first day of summer  saying goodbye to Brent and moving to California,!" I yelled, trying to keep back the tears. "Well, at least you get to see your mom" He said with a half smile. "You haven't seen her since you were 6" He added. "I know, I know," I grumbled. "Hey do you need a ride to go to the park. You're still seeing Brent today right?" My father asked. "Uhm, yeah i am. But it's okay i'll walk, it's just across the street" I replied. I grabbed my phone and put on my flip flops. "I love you dad,!" I screamed while i walked out the front door. "You too! Be safe!" My dad loudly replied. I quickly started walking to the park. I saw Brent sitting on the swing and i could litteraly hear my heart breaking. "Oh god, let the tears begin." I whispered to myself. 

So, i know this is kind of boring but i promise it will get better. Feedback please,? ?:D

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The Last Goo dbye Chapter 1 "Scarlett honey, wake up, Your

2 faves · 1 comments · Dec 11, 2011 1:40pm






believeinyourself44 · 1 decade ago
sounds good:) let me know when you post anothe one!!
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