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The boy in the dog tags.
Chapter 2

Six months rolled by faster then I thought. We weren't as much of newly weds anymore but instead a strong couple. We got a small apartment here in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Everything was going perfect.
Lucas and I headed down to the beach. It was one of those lazy days were we do absolutely nothing but sit at the beach. Lucas put up an umbrella and I laid down the towels. We both sat down together. I grabbed Lucas's hand and kissed it. "I love you." I couldn't help but say it without smiling like a fool. He smirked and said, "I know. Why else would you marry me?" We both began to laugh. He kissed me and said," Of course I love you too," he then paused for a moment, "Can I ask you something?" He got serious. I answered, "Anything." He looked me in the eyes, "Tomorrow I get my letter from the Army," I forgot all about it. I tried to avoid it because I don't want him to go. "I might be drafted. What are we going to do if I have to go?" He knew I was upset and I didn't want the letter to say he's going. My eyes began to sting. I didn't know how to answer. "I don't want you to go." That was all I could squeak out. " I know. I'm sorry I brought it up. Let's not worry about it let's just enjoy the day together." He tried to be comforting but I couldn't help but worry.

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The boy in the dog tags. Chapter 2 Six months rolled by faster

4 faves · Dec 10, 2011 10:43am



xxMandyxx6577 happy witty anniversary!



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