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Apparently, I act like I'm the only person with problems.

Tell me, how is that possible when I don't ever act like anything is wrong? How is that, when I always act like I'm just fine?
You don't see me complaining about all of the people I'm mad at.
You don't see me going on, and on, and ON about all of my problems.
I don't EVER talk about my problems.
So, again, how do I act like I'm the only one with problems?

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Apparently, I act like I'm the only person with problems.

0 faves · 2 comments · Dec 9, 2011 3:20pm






Chlohoey · 1 decade ago
You say this, as if you expect me to give a damn.
How cute, Lily.
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Lilx909 · 1 decade ago
Haha. Do you really wanna fight? God I was only trying to fix things god damn it. But no Chloe what's to act like it's all my fault! Damn I have never done anything to you and when I don't tell you about my problems you go off crying to Kacie or somebody and say that I'm mad at you when I'm not! And you do... your always like I'm fine.... then the next day you start saying you don't know what I go through. Well, I want you to know you grew up in New Pal.... the problems here are not as bad as the problems on the east side. Trust me I would know.... so maybe you start saying this type of to me instead of writing it on here.
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