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I know you'll probably just skip over this,
but I need to vent. If you read this, thank you.


They just found my next door neighbor dead. He hung himself. Everyone's crying. I'm crying. He shouldn't have done it. He shouldn't have felt the need to take his own life. NO ONE SHOULD. Everything was going fine. His wife was over at our house. She left. 5 minutes later she came in running. My uncle and grandpa went to see whats wrong. And what did they see? They saw him hanging there. The rope around his neck. I couldn't even look. We weren't the cloesest, but I grew up around him. I feel devistated. HE TOOK HIS LIFE. I'm speechless. I've thought about killing myself too. I've thought of it so many times. Actually, I was thinking about it today. This whole accident changed my mind. I realize how hurt everyone is. EVERYONE'S crying. He has a 2 year old grandson. He's never going to get to see him grow up. He wont see his first day at school, or his graduationg. He won't see him get married or have kids. He won't get to see anything anymore. His life is over. He wanted that, and he took his own life. He shouldn't have. He should not have wanted that. What are his wife and kids going to do without him? Don't you think it's going to be hard for them to go back in that house? Don't you think this is going to hurt them a lot? Don't you think they'll want to take their own lives too? Oh they probably will. But lets hope they don't. Lets hope they dont get to the point at which he was. No one should. No one deserves the pain. And neither do the people who love them. I'm left speechless. I don't know what to say or do. I can't stand to hear everyone cry like this. This is causing us all a lot of pain. He shouldn't have done it. But he did. We can't change that. We just got to look on forward. It's going to be hard to get over his death, but we'll manage. I just want to let everyone out there who wants to kill themselves, DONT. The pain your family and loved ones will go through is HORRIBLE. Think about them. Think about how they'll feel. Think about what they'll want to do. If you need to vent to someone, I'm here. For ALLL of you. I will listen to you, and I won't judge you. I just don't want anyone to take their life. I don't want their families going through the pain me and everyone else is going through right now. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't take your own life. It's a gift from God. Be happy your still alive. Cheerish every moment. You never know when it will end.
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I know you'll probably just skip over this, but I need to

2 faves · 1 comments · Dec 6, 2011 1:49pm



anilevex3lisav happy witty anniversary!



skinnyminikitty · 1 decade ago
oh my god sweetie. I am soo sorry for your loss. if you ever need to talk im here. his fam is in my prayers ♥
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