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Making Mistakes; Learning from Them 
Sequel to The Day we Met <3

Chapter 16

(Kelsey's P.O.V)

                               The bell rang, I bolted up and to the door, Jamie being right behind me.

When I opened it and walked out I bumped into Brandon, I ending up dropping my books in the collision.

                                 I bended down to pick them, up Jamie and Brandon helping.

Brandon: where did you go this morning? There was no need to run, he whispered enough for only me to hear.

                                  I gathered all my things pushing him out of the way, stopping at me locker to get things for my other class.

Brandon waiting for me, by standing by my locker, Kelsey: Brandon, just go away.

                                 I don't know what he wants, but I sure want him to leave me alone.

Later during study hall in the library, I was looking for a book, skipping through pages until I found something I liked.

                                 I put the book back and found another one, when I pulled it out I saw somebody left there bookmark in it.

It was a note, looking around just to be sure nobody was around, I opened the note.

                                 Then quickly closed it when I heard a voice, turning around facing the person who was talking.

Tai: uhm, hey I'm Tai Manson, he had dark brown hair, light green eyes and was looking right at me.

                                I turned around dumbly, not figuring it out that he was talking to me.

Kelsey: m-me?? Are you talking to me?? He laughed, Tai: who else cutie?

                                Blushing red as he called me "cutie", he must be new, so he doesn't know about the kissing incident.

Kelsey: oh, well I'm Kelsey, Kelsey Lynn, I don't like my last name....so I use my middle name for like almost everything.
                                 Tai: well, your name is as cute as you, he smiled and got close to me.

He makes my heart flutter, I love him already and I just met him <3 
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Format by fadesandformats:) Making Mistakes; Learning from Them

10 faves · Dec 5, 2011 9:47pm






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