Witty Profiles

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10 reasons you know you live in 2009 [or not]
1. you cant live wtihout your hair straightner [dont even own one of those]
eye liner and mascara are your best friends. [sorry but i dont own those either]
converse&uggs are your only shoes you wear [haha how weird... dont own those...AGAIN!]
4. you have atleast 2 pairs of
skinny jeans  [four in a row!! thats like a record or something... dont have those for the fourth time]
5. you cant
leave the house without you ipod and cellphone [finally somethings i have! but i wud never dare take my ipod out of the house]
6. you go to the
movies atleast every weekend, maybe more [nope, i have a life]
7. you take
tons of pictures when your with your friends with your camera [maybe two pictures of one friend]
8. you are addicted to
witty profiles and cant go a day without going on it [like i said, i have a life!]
r&b and country music are the most listened too [who listens to those? not me ill tell ya that much]
10. but especially, when you find yourslef
falling for him all over again<3 [actually quite the opposite... lets not get into details]
so if these are the reasons you know you live in 2009... and none of them aply to me... do i not live in 2009?

sorry if this is offensive to some people... like im so sorry to whoever made it, its a great quote but i hate these so much cuz i dont ever apply to any of them and i know that there are going to be thousands of these this year but they are really pointless. just getting my opinion out there :]
oh and the one about witty ... im not saying that people who go on everyday have no life.
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10 reasons you know you live in 2009 [or not] 1. you cant live

2 faves · Jan 7, 2009 9:06pm






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