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quickly i ran to my next class, avoiding teachers, and highschoolers, getting to my class just on time. i stayed quiet the rest of the day, and jumped off the bus at 3:30, running home. I walked in the door and ran up the stairs to my room. i sat down and pulled out my notebook, reading my most recent entry.
          "How am i going to read this to everyone? This is humiliating!" i thought to myself.
    "molly, sweetie, you home?" my step dad said.
      "Ugh, what do you want?!" i screamed
      "Must be your time of the month huh you little brat!" my brother joked.
      "K, your so cool" i yelled and slammed my door shut letting everyone in my house know i was done for the night
waking up the next morning, i got ready for school, nervous about what was going to happen. i marched proudly into 1st period, ready to read my diary to the class! miss B. said "Molly, are you ready?"" i guess miss B. theres nothing to get ready for."i said. "ok well get up here if your so proud" "will do"

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quickly i ran to my next class, avoiding teachers, and highschoolers,

4 faves · 1 comments · Dec 2, 2011 6:56pm






fouhy12 · 1 decade ago
I like it keep going!
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