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Sometimes i think love is fake . But then i think of my grandparents . They started dating in highschool , got married in college , had 2 kids , adopted 2 kids , but even when they were tired and old , my grandpa always managed to bring home flowers , or kiss her in the rain . They always looked happy  . You could just look at them and you knew they were in love . They danced with no music , he sang to her , they had simple days just sitting together by the fire , he was lost in his world , she was lost in hers . One year , we went on vacation . 
My grandpa died a week before their 4oth anniversary.
-She goes to his grave & sings all the songs he once sang to her . 

True love never dies .
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Sometimes i think love is fake . But then i think of my grandparents

7 faves · Nov 30, 2011 8:26pm






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