Witty Profiles

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Chapter 13.
**4 months later**
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off.  I got up and ran over to my calender.  I felt a smile appear on my face when I saw the date.  Today was Josh's and I's 4 month anneversery.  It's hard to believe that we've been dating for 4 months already.  I ran to my closet and picked out a loose strapless black dress.  It was a little short, but still appropriate for school.  The dress wasn't anything fancy, just a dress.  I walked to the bathroom and applied my makeup dark.  I curled my hair then put it in a side pony.  I then put in my diamond earings and the diamond necklace Josh bought me for Thanksgiving.  Today was December 20th.  Also, the last day before Christmas break.  I was traveling to New York with my mom for part of Christmas break.  I was really excited to see all my friends back home.  However, we were only staying until noon on Christmas eve, because my mom wanted to be home for Christmas.  I wanted to be home for Christmas too, because I promised Josh we'd spend Christmas Eve together, and Christmas Day.  In fact, we were spending most of our days on break together.  I walked back into my room to grab my bookbag and phone, then I headed downstairs.  My mom had a huge breakfast prepared for me sitting on the counter.  I felt so bad.  I knew with my anorexia, I would eat barely any of it.  And the stuff I did eat, I knew i'd throw back up.  I wanted to eat, I just couldn't.  My mom drove me to school, and I arrived at 7:40.  After I put my books in my locker, I headed over to Josh.  He quickly greated me when I approached.
"Goodmorning beautiful," He said pulling me in for a hug and giving me a kiss on the forhead.  "Happy anneversery," he then added.
I smiled up at him.  "You remembered," I said softly.
"How could I forget?" He said giving me another smile.
We talked for a while, then I went to go find Macy and Alaina.  We had all become really close in the past 4 months.  We hang out every weekend, sometimes even week nights too.
"Em!" I heard Macy yell down the hallway.
Both Alaina and Macy rushed towards me.
"What mace?!" I asked curiously.
"Trevor just asked me to the New Years Eve dance!" she exclaimed happily with a proud smile.
Then Alaina piped in.  "Yeah, and Mason just asked me!" she said enthusiastically.
I smiled at both of them, "congratulations!"
They both gave me a smile and thanked me.
"So," Alaina started.  "Has Josh asked you yet?"
I sighed a little.  "No, not yet.."
"He'll ask you eventually Em." Macy said giving me a re-assuring smile.
Alaina nodded in agreement.  "Yeah, don't worry about it." she said smiling at me.
But for some reason,

I was worried.
[Feedback?♥ It would mean a lot to me.(:]
If you read this, and liked it, please fave(: I just wanna know how many readers I have.(:
Also, i'm sorry if I only get one chapter up a day. School comes before witty, sometimes...(:
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Mascara. Chapter 13. **4 months later** I woke up to the sound

87 faves · 3 comments · Nov 29, 2011 10:06pm






Hannah_Schmeling · 1 decade ago
omg i love u! your soo good, i cant stop reading(:(:(:(:

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hannahmaacdonald · 1 decade ago
i adore this story and you girl (: amazing talent you have! don't waste it <3
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its_okay_not_to_be_okay · 1 decade ago
ahhh flash forward! sooo cute!!! (:
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