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New Neighbor
Chapter 15

It was like a dream, All of a sudden i was in the hospital room, their were doctors bending over a body. Then i saw Justin, "justin!" i called out.  he didn't look over at me, he was staring at the person who was surrounded by doctors, i walked over to him. He was crying. why was he crying? "justin, whats wrong? Are you mad at me? Stop ignoring me, talk to me!!" i practically yelled at him. He didn't reply, "JUSTIN!". One of the doctors looked at him, "you need to get out of the room, please." of course he answered to the doctor, "Okay, fine. but will she be okay?" who's she? his mom? why on earth was he ignoring me? "i don't know son, we will have to see." He walked out of the room. Why was i allowed to be in here, and he wasn't? I walked over to the body the doctors were hoovering. I gasped, it was me. I saw my blonde hair, and my blue eyes. I suddenly started to remember the previous events. All i wanted right now, was to comfort justin, i couldn't stand to see him cry. Then, everything went black. When i woke up again, I was in the hospital bed. Justin rushed over to the bed, the nurse said,"wait a minute." he went and sat back down, "what happened?"i asked. Remembering what i saw before. The nurse explained everything. I was going to have a Seizure, and they needed to make sure that i was okay. And i was. They didn't know what caused it though since i am so young. "rachel, i was so worried about you. are you okay?" Justin came over. "i honestly don't know. where were you this morning?" i asked. "it doesn't matter Rachel, we need to focus on you, you getting better, its very important to me. Here." He handed me a dozen roses, " i love you rachel, i never want to lose you." My parents came in and they said how worried they were. "Rachel, the doctors want to keep you over night, is that okay with you? i think we will go home though, unless you want us to stay." "Go home, get some rest, i'll be fine!" i assured them. After they left, "Justin can you go get the nurse, my head hurts." He went and got the nurse, she came back with medicine. Thank god. "Rachel, this medicine will most likely make you sleepy." I nodded, took the medicine. Justin held my hand, and thats how i fell asleep. I woke up the next morning, My parents came in , "hey rach! ready to go home?" i nodded, i got a bunch of medicine and went in the car for the ride home. I got home, and i watched a movie in the basement. I checked my phone, anad i had a ton of texts from everyone asking what happened? i replied to them all. I fell asleep. i don't know how much time passed, but when i woke up, Justin was there, and his arms were around me, it felt like home.

back to school tommooow :/ great break !  one more chapter than a new story! Follow/Favorite/Comment

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New Neighbor Chapter 15 It was like a dream, All of a sudden

9 faves · 1 comments · Nov 27, 2011 9:59pm






KaylaJolynn · 1 decade ago
I love it. It better have a good ending too.(;
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