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          PROVEN FACTS.
Kissing Is....
Good For Your Teeth

Okay, so you don't kiss with your teeth (or do you?!), but kissing could give you healthier teeth. The saliva produced during a hot session of kissing washes away the bacteria thriving in our teeth, which aids in the prevention of plaque buildup. Do you know who actually said this? A dentist named Matthew Messina, DDS, who also happens to be a consumer advisor for the American Dental Association.

Burns Calories

A really passionate kiss could burn 2 to 6 calories a minute and double a person's metabolic rate. If that doesn't seem a lot to you, well lounging on the bed by yourself and not burning extra calories doesn't sound like an attractive proposition either, does it?

Great Facial Service

Did you know that when you French kiss, you work out 30 of your facial muscles? Of course, many of you would rather have a flat tummy, but once you age and notice parts of your face sagging, you'd wish you kissed a lot more when you were younger.

Partner Compatibility Tool

Helen Fisher, PhD, a professor of Anthropology at Rutgers University in New Jersey, says that we learn a lot about a partner when kissing – even without having him fill up a bio-data form. Kissing isn't just two pairs of lips meeting; it allows us to touch a person, smell him, feel him, taste him, see how he feels about kissing you by gauging his facial expressions.

Gives you an Incredible High

If hippies knew they could get high just by kissing, maybe they'd have smoked less. Kissing releases dopamine and norepinephrine, two stimulants that are produced by our body. These hormones are responsible for giving you those weird non-stop smiles, that certain kind of rush, that nagging urge for you to yell or run or hug everyone around you.

Calms You Down

Kissing puts you in a state of high, but also does calm you down. The high occurs mostly in new relationships where kissing is a novel scenario. For people who've been with a partner long enough, kissing has calming effects. Imagine yourself stressed out after a long day at work, you come home, your lover plants a kiss on your lips, and you suddenly feel better. Why? Aside from the feeling of having someone who comforts you, kissing releases oxytocin, which is also known as a calming hormone.

Boosts Your Self-Esteem

Kissing, and all the emotions that come with the package, is good for your psychological health. It feels fantastic to be in love, or even just infatuated. Being with someone makes us feel extra special about ourselves.

 Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

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PROVEN FACTS. Kissing Is.... Good For Your Teeth Okay, so you

5 faves · Nov 27, 2011 4:05pm






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