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Everyone Thought She Was Strong.
Chapter Two

    Her birthday was only a few more day away. She couldn’t get herself excited. Her birthday was like Christmas to her when she was younger. where did all the excitement disappear to? She’d be turning seventeen then she’d be counting down the days before she left for the entire summer for basic training. She was joining the Navy, wanted to become a famous chef known around the world for her amazing food. Of course it was a scary thought. She’d be leaving everything behind. Her family, best friend, friends, everything; She had second thoughts but she knew it was the best thing for her. The sooner the better to leave. No one expected it from her they all thought she was against the military but one day she surprised them all with the news... She’d be leaving soon and didn’t want anyone to forget her. She was scared maybe they’d just forget; move on with their lives like she never made an impact on them. She dreaded this the most. What if her sister moved on, stopped writing her and found someone else to call sister. What if her best friend moved on and forgot the bond they shared. She was nervous. She met her with her recruiter a couple months before she had to be shipped out. He told her she had to lose weight and act right if she ever wanted a future in the Navy. She was determined to make something out of herself, everyone thought she’d be nothing just a door mat the rest of her life but she was ready to prove them all wrong.

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Everyone Thought She Was Strong. Chapter Two Her birthday was

1 faves · Nov 24, 2011 9:41pm






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