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She was

a beautiful girl
Brought up by chance
And the hate of this world
When she was little
She saw through the war
of her mother and father
behind their closed doors and she
Had secrets that appeared on her hands
Covered by long sleeve shirts and the
courage she had
But this girl, she loved to dress herself up
Steal mommas mascara
And dance round the house
A boy in her class, he was shy and alone
With no friends to play or to call on the phone
He liked to stare at the girl in the dress
Watch her blonde curls twirl on the swings at recess
But he never had the courage to call out her name
And soon enough for him it all was too late
One day the girl just didn't come to school
The teachers got suspicious as one day turned to two
But soon they found her, this girl, behind the couch in her house
Her bruises were purple, and she had stains on her blouse
Mommy and daddy were nowhere to be found
People say that they tried to skip town.
The shy boy who loved her cried at the news
He couldn't understand why God made him lose her
At least she's in heaven, he thought with a smile
God save a place for me next to her,
Even if I have to wait for a while.


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She was a beautiful girl Brought up by chance And the hate of

12 faves · 1 comments · Nov 23, 2011 10:44am






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