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 No one should feel like they have to go through something alone.
Yes, everyone goes through different struggles and not everyone will understand
what someone is dealing with, but the thought of someone killing themselves because they feel alone, not important, stupid, fat, ugly, worthless, or depressed is heartbreaking.
EVERY single one of you are beautiful. God wouldnt put you on this planet if there wasnt a reason for it, he doesnt want any of you to suffer or feel alone. Suicide has already taken so many beautiful , meaningful lives. Im sure if they could make that dissision again they would change there minds in a heart beat. Its sad but every suicide victim is an angel now watching over each and everyone of you, pretecting you from the disision you are thinking about making. If you think that no one will care when your gone, your wrong.
Even if I dont know you, im here to talk to. Just send me a comment. Ill try my best to help you through your struggles. But remember, your not alone. Dont keep telling yourself your alone. Someone is always with you, weather its in your heart, in your school, right down the street, or right here on witty. Before you make the disison you cant take back, come talk to me. your not alone.
Your beautiful
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No one should feel like they have to go through something alone.

9 faves · Nov 22, 2011 7:53pm






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