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she told you she loved you
you said you did too
you said it was over
what was she to do
she ran home crying
and inside she was dying
when her parents got home
they found her on the floor
on the not it said:
i've loved
i've been loved in return
i've learned from mistakes
i've been hoping to make right
i've cryed know i've died
and i hope he learnd
that true comes only once in a life time

not a good poem not really a quote if you like the meaning i give you permisson to mak it into a quoet or poem but it was about a girl at my school

to all the girls who have had a broken heart never throw your live away over a guy, its not worth it
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she told you she loved you you said you did too you said it was

2 faves · Aug 18, 2004 5:15pm






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