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Put your I-pod on shuffle. Read the question and put down the name of thefirst song, then go to the next song and put it down for the next question and so on.

1. What's the weather like? Buy you a drankk
2. What describes your bestfriend? Fly
3. How do you feel today? Beautiful Girl(sean kingston)
4. How do you feel about love? The math.
5. Is your sister/brother gonna go to hell? touch it remix. (so nope.)
6. What time is it? South Street
7. How do you feel when your a mess? Do it To it
8. Whats your fave hobby? Low
9. What does your breath smell like? Fighter
10. Describe your crush? Tipsey(umm kinda)
11. Are you a good person? Because of You(ne-yoooo)
12. What is your hero like? pop lock and drop it remix
13. What do you look like today? Mockingbird
14. What are your parents like? Follow me(uncle kracker)
15. What is one of your most annoying habbits? Wake me Up when september ends(haha I can play that on the guitar! well begining.)

wait. thats all!? thats boring
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Directions- Put your I-pod on shuffle. Read the question and

1 faves · Jan 3, 2009 3:29pm






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