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Don't Forget  - Season 1 episode 3

"You ready?" Jake asked.
"Umm, yeah. but i have a question?"
"How'd you get pass your parents with a bag of clothes and stuff?"
"I didn't. i snuck out of the window. So, can you tell me why you're running away?"
"I - I caught Manny raping Casey." at that point i was in tears.
"What?! wait here."
"Why? Jake don't do anything stupid."
"I'm not."
I Sat there and waited, then Jake came back with a big jar of money.
"This is our emergency money. and it's an emergency. im buying us a plane ticket because i wan't you as far away from him as possible. I'd rather go broke than you being hurt."
"Jake, you don't have to-"
"But i want to, Sam."
So we started leaving and walked up to a phone booth. Jake dialed a number.
"Yeah we need a ride."
"Okay cool."
Then he hung up the phone.
"Who was that?" i asked.
"My cousin, He's gonna take us."
"Take us where?"
"Just wait and see."
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Don't Forget - Season 1 episode 3 "You ready?"

5 faves · Nov 21, 2011 5:02pm






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