Witty Profiles

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What color is his hair? blondish brownish
What style is it? kinda short kinda long and its curlyy
What color eyes? blueish greenish
Cute smile? nahh its adorable(:

Braces? nope
Glasses? nope
Abs? a little bitt(:
Height? like 6'3
How did you meet him? he used to date my friendd
How long have you known him? since like summer
Does he play any sports? no but he might try out for football next yearr
Can he play the guitar? i don't knoww
What about any other music instrument? i dont think he cann
Do you guys ever text? like 24/7
Facebook chat? yeahhh
Last time you were on his Facebook profile? like 5 minutes ago lmao(:
Have you "liked" his profile picture? yess because it's of me and him(:
He commented on any of your photos? yeahh
Has he ever written on your wall? all the timee<3
Where you're able to see his tattoo and abs? he doesnt have a tat yett and he has a little abs
Least favorite thing? hes grounded so no phone and i cant see him
Do your friends know that you like him? yess
Do any of your teachers know that you like him? yeahh lmao i talked to one of them about him
Do your parents know? yesss
Do they know he exists? yesss
Do they know that you like him? yess
Do you think they would like him if you were dating him? i am dating him and i think my daddy likes himm(:
Next Quote >

SURVEY!(: What color is his hair? blondish brownish What style

0 faves · Nov 19, 2011 2:00pm




