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here i am, sitting in the computer room at school. watching all the other girls around me print off their completed assignments they've worked ever so hard on. i did work hard, at the start. then i realised that i'm not going anywhere in life. nearly everyone is better than me at something. they may be better looking, smarter or more popular.. whatever. everyone is better than me at something. i'm never going to be top of the class in anything, so what's the point in trying to be? i'm never going to be breathtakingly gorgeous like my best friends, so why do i spent so much time in the morning trying to look good when i know i never will look even HALF decent. people have told me straight out that i'm fat, ugly and a dog. i'm sure they wouldn't be lying to me.. maybe i am just a fat, ugly dog. a fat, ugly dog who will never do good in school, never meet anyones expectations, never do anything right at all.

i should just accept myself for who i am..
i'm not good enough. i'm not, never have been and never will be.


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here i am, sitting in the computer room at school. watching all

1 faves · 2 comments · Nov 16, 2011 6:46pm






TayyGracee · 1 decade ago
I think you're gorgeous!

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jaygirl · 1 decade ago
up . i loveyou you sexy beast!
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