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My Side Of The Story 

i watched as she walked into view, her beautiful face,
glaring at her phone not aware of her surroundings blocking out the world & the dark street
. it had to be her didnt it ?
why couldnt i yell at her to run ! to scream for someone before we were upon her...
but she'd be as good as dead if she even tried.
i had to remember i was in it for my brothers
& me being chosen for her was probably the best thing for her in this situation..
etleast theirll be no pleasure in her torment...
fast & quick, fast & quick...
i kept telling myself ... painless.
it didnt even come close to being the word for it but compared to what would have happened ...
it would be painless.
i looked at virgil, my eldest brother the scars up the side of his face from his innitiation,
i knew if i wanted him out of this gang i had to do this
, for him tom & rylan for my brothers.
his eyes stared me down as he passed me the hat to pull out my actions.
i took a deep breath & prepared my self ..
1, 2, 3.
pieces of white paper that could potentially be the death of ash...
i watched her as virgil took the papers back off me & read them aloud
1. etleast one broken bone
2. slow dislocation of a joint that lasts etleast 18 seconds
3. pinned down & taken advantage off for etleast 30 seconds
i remember virgil chucking the papers at me
then giving me a shove as my feet started to unintentionally head towards her....
i took a deep breath hoping she might suddenly take flight & run in a different direction...
how could i do this too her.
my bestfriend.
my voice shook as i said the words..
i cleared my throut as best i could
& with my voice sounding louder then it probably was i said her name..
her full name...
i was only a couple of metres behind her
within arms length when she stopped & looked up from the light of her phone.. 
the shock on her face turned to smile almost instantly ...
god that smile even in the dark it gave me goosebumps...
would i ever see it again?

this is based on a true story guys... this is what i did to a girl... i just want her story to be heard ,,, you have no idea how bad i feel about this .. she wont answer my calls shes terrified of me on the street i know shes on this site... i hope she reads this & sees what that night realy was .. i love you ash i know i dont deserve you i just need you to hear my side..
even without the likes i will continue your story ....
im sorry

Scott Taylor 

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My Side Of The Story i watched as she walked into view, her

0 faves · Nov 15, 2011 3:30am




