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Long, But Please Read.
witty, im not doing this for attention, or faves. i just need to get this out.

I cant handle living anymore
I feel worse now than ever. one of my closest friends is enlisting in the marines, i feel like everyone is leaving me alone. i cant eat and when i do, i look at myself and see how fat i am and i force myself to throw up. i hate the way i look and who i am. I really just want to never wake up. I hate my life and i want every single one of you to know that your beautiful and to never feel like this.
If you're still reading, thank you. i love you<3
I'm sorry, I just can't handle this anymore, 
I cant handle being ugly, and hating myself,
I cant handle being bulimic and anorexic.
I cant handle hurting myself.
I cant handle living anymore.
Im sorry, I just need to end it.
I cant handle being alive.
I know suicide is horrible, but I wont be around to regret it.
Thank you everyone that was there for me, Im sorry it wasnt enough.

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Long, But Please Read. witty, im not doing this for attention,

16 faves · 11 comments · Nov 14, 2011 10:33pm






xXi_am_imperfectxX · 1 decade ago
Don't do it. Put Down the knife. We all have our insecurities and we all feel this way through the teenage years. But when you're happily married and loved in 10 years, you'll look back on these horrible memories and be happy that you put down the knife. Please, don't do it we love you! Dont kill yourself, dont do it for your future beautiful children and FOR THE HUSBAND THAT WILL LOVE YOU. Someone,Somewhere,Someday, Loves you. So,please, beautiful,set down the knife and forget about the haters <3 We love you.
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strawberryforever · 1 decade ago
you are special, to me. I need you here, me a complete stranger needs to hang on I need to know that there is hope, I m in the same boat as you are. dont walk away.
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lovelifetaylorswift · 1 decade ago
I'm almost crying please don't do it!!!!! :(
There are people that care about you a lot!!!!!! I know I do and I don't even know you!!!!
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brunettelove13 · 1 decade ago
your not alone.
your beautiful.
it doesn't matter if your bulimic and anorexic.
don't hurt yourself.
i love you. we all do
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skinnyminikitty · 1 decade ago
Suicide is not chosen; it happens
when pain exceeds
resources for coping with pain.�

That�s all it�s about. You are not a bad person, or crazy, or weak, or flawed, because you feel suicidal. It doesn�t even mean that you really want to die - it only means that you have more pain than you can cope with right now. If I start piling weights on your shoulders, you will eventually collapse if I add enough weights... no matter how much you want to remain standing. Willpower has nothing to do with it. Of course you would cheer yourself up, if you could.

You can survive suicidal feelings if you do either of two things: (1) find a way to reduce your pain, or (2) find a way to increase your coping resources. Both are possible.

Now I want to tell you five things to think about.

1 You need to hear that people do get through this -- even people who feel as badly as you are feeling now. Statistically, there is a very good chance that you are going to live. I hope that this information gives you some sense of hope.

2 Give yourself some distance. Say to yourself, �I will wait 24 hours before I do anything.� Or a week. Remember that feelings and actions are two different things - just because you feel like killing yourself, doesn�t mean that you have to it is up to you.

3 People often turn to suicide because they are seeking relief from pain. Remember that relief is a feeling. And you have to be alive to feel it. You will not feel the relief you so desperately seek, if you are dead.

4 Some people will react badly to your suicidal feelings, either because they are frightened, or angry; they may actually increase your pain instead of helping you, despite their intentions, by saying or doing thoughtless things. You have to understand that their bad reactions are about their fears, not about you.

But there are people out there who can be with you in this horrible time, and will not judge you, or argue with you, or send you to a hospital, or try to talk you out of how badly you feel. They will simply care for you. Find one of them. Now. Use your 24 hours, or your week, and tell someone what�s going on with you. It is okay to ask for help. Try:

Send an anonymous e-mail to The Samaritans
Call 1-800-SUICIDE in the U.S.
Teenagers, call Covenant House NineLine, 1-800-999-9999
Look in the front of your phone book for a crisis line
Call a psychotherapist
Carefully choose a friend or a minister or rabbi, someone who is likely to listen
But don�t give yourself the additional burden of trying to deal with this alone. Just talking about how you got to where you are, releases an awful lot of the pressure, and it might be just the additional coping resource you need to regain your balance.

5 Suicidal feelings are, in and of themselves, traumatic. After they subside, you need to continue caring for yourself. Therapy is a really good idea. So are the various self-help groups available both in your community and on

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faithxx · 1 decade ago
<3 dont committ suicide<33.xo
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TrueBeliever_xo · 1 decade ago
You should never allow anyone to make you feel this way. Your beautiful the way you are but you need to believe this. you must believe in yourself. & i know life feels like its not worth it , we all go through it, but you need to realize how ending your life ends the lives of those around you. How would you feel if someone you truly cared about killed themselves? Wouldn't a part of you die with them? Wouldn't you feel like crap for not being able to hep them? i dont want to sound mean, not at all. in fact i want to show you how important you are ! people NEED you in their lives. & it may be bad right now but like shaaylovelife said, it gets better. if you dont want to live for yourself, live for others. in the end, you'll be thankful to be alive, because after all how much help would you be to other girls who will go through this too if you deprive them of your knowledge and your help? You can make a difference and the first step of it all is by staying alive and loving yourself. ! YOUR PERFECT! Hope this helped, sorry its long. if you ever need anything, i'm here <3
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shaaylovelife · 1 decade ago
please don't. it gets better trust me. ive been through this and i made it through.think of all the people who will miss you and how it'll effect them.just dont please it isnt worth it. dont do something permanet over a temporary feeling.
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livelovelife1212 · 1 decade ago
Please!! Dont do it!! Who told you that you are not good enough? Was it some idots who think their all that? Or was it a friend? Well it doesn't matter. They are all WRONG <3
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StillStruggling* happy birthday! · 1 decade ago
oh sit. no, please don't commit suicide! i love you and you're beautiful inside and out. please surround yourself with the people you love and have fun in life and don't worry. please please please!
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chickie22 · 1 decade ago
Don't say those things, you're beautiful! Everyone hurts and everyone copes differently but please don't kill yourself...........
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