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Never too late to try
Chapter 4

I ran.  And I kept running away from it all.  My face was hot with anger as the summer's rays beat down on me.  I ran all the way to the diner down my street.  I was a regular.  It was my home away from home, only with better food.  I pulled open the creaking door and slid into a booth.  I tucked my knees into my chest and plowed my head between them, letting my dark brown hair fall to cover my eyes.  And then it hit me.  Sorrow, the worst kind of hurt.  Pure misery, no hope.  I felt the tears coming and didn't fight them.  They poured down my cheeks as a tried to keep my nose from dripping.  "Excuse me, what's wrong?"  His voice was so strong, yet tender and peaceful.  He meant no harm.  His eyes were an unforgetable icy blue, and his hair a dark shade of blonde.  "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.  Im Aaron, and you are?"  I wiped away my tears on my jeans and shoved my hair out of my face.  "Mia" I shrugged.  "Well, Mia, why is such a beautiful face so sad?"  My face started burning, I knew my eyes couldn't contain the tears overpowering me.  I planted my face into my palms and continued crying.  Aaron slid into the booth and rested his hand on my knee.  Instantly, I felt more loved than I have for a while.    

Format by twilightgirl995

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Never too late to try Chapter 4 I ran. And I kept running away

4 faves · Nov 14, 2011 8:22pm






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