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chapter 3
Max and I sit together in science later that day. I looking at the clock, dreaming about what high school next year would be like. I start tapping my fingers on my desk.
"What's the answer to number five?" Max asks. He leans over to peek at my paper.
"Denitrifying bacteria." I say. Max nods.
"Okay, everybody put away your notes, papers, binders, and anything else flammable." Our science teacher says. She comes around the room and helps us turn on our Bunsen Burners.
Max and I follow the instructions on the board. I'm careful, Max isn't.
"Max, stop!" I say. I swat at his hand and he moves it away from the flame.
"You're not my mother." Max says. He puts his hand near the flames again.
"I don't have to be your mother to know that's not a good idea." I say. I press his hand down on the table and he intertwines our fingers. I can tell I'm blushing. Max smiles. I use my free hand to pour in the next liquid. The liquid in our beaker starts to change colors, the way it says it should on the board. Max and I high five each other, first in the room to finish. Our techer comes up to take notes and gives us a grade. An 'A'. Nothing fancy or complicated like an A-.
Max smiles.
Across the room, Caitlyn and her partner pour all the stuff they can find around them into their beaker. The room fills with smoke, the beaker bubbles over, and everyone hits the floor, except Caitlyn.
Author's note: This story is based on real life, up until this last paragraph. :) It's about to get interesting, so stay tuned, kiddies!
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forever... chapter 3 Max and I sit together in science later

4 faves · Nov 12, 2011 10:43am






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