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to write love on her arms day
Tomorrow, write the word "love" on your arm.
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to write love on her arms day Tomorrow, write the word "love"

312 faves · 2 comments · Nov 10, 2011 9:43pm






stick_stones · 1 decade ago
I have the bracelet. It doesn't come off. Not even when I take a shower. I've done things in the past I'm not proud of and the bracelet helps remind me that there is better things out there than self harming yourself over what you thought was a big thing at the time but it really wasn't when you look back at it. Don't hurt yourself on things that only mean so much at the time but will mean nothing later on. Because for the rest of your life you will have to look back on those scars and think "What was so important that made me do that to myself?"
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softball143 · 1 decade ago
I thought it was the 13th? haha
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