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I had a thing with this amazing, gorgeous, and totally ripped guy over rugby season, and we were really close, but we kind of stopped talking after a while, but we'd wave or say hi in the hallways at school. Then he asked my best friend to homecoming randomly and she said no because she'd never do that to hurt me, and then the weekend after that she went on a date with him. So she decided to let me find out through everyone else that night  and then she told me what happened. We got in a huge fight, but i decided to be the bigger person and try to fix things. Then she told me "I know it hurts loosing me and its hurting me loosing you but I don't know what else to do." Which was basically her saying that she doesn't want to be friends anymore because her and my ex are basically dating. Then on sunday we were supposed to hang out and she ditched me for him and her friends.

I don't ask much for help witty girls, but this time, I really need it. Soon, please. I'm falling apart and I feel absolutely terrible. I have for the past two months, and I just don't know what to do anymore. This is my one and only cry for help, please, I need you, all of you. Please.
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I had a thing with this amazing, gorgeous, and totally ripped

1 faves · 1 comments · Nov 9, 2011 7:48pm





break up

BreakingFree · 1 decade ago
hunn, if she chooses him over you, let her! that's her loss and i bet she will realize it eventually and she'll come back and apologize because she'll miss you! don't let it bother you because its her mistake not yours.. let it make you stronger, it could give you the influence to try to meet a new even better guy! whatever you do, dont let it get you down! if you ever need to talk comment me :)
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