Witty Profiles

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Chapter 1

This is an introduction to what I'll be doing with this account. I'm going to be writing about my life. Everything about my life. The good, the bad, the sad. All of my secrets. The things not even the people closest to me know. I guess it's going to be more of a journal than a story, format-wise. It probably won't be in chronological order most of the time. But you're going to find out everything. The best part? You have no idea who I am. I could be anyone. You're going to know me inside and out, but you won't even know my name.

I'm open to suggestions and ideas. And I'd love to know what people think. Comment/Fave/Follow? 

Everything posted will be 100% true.


Format by twilightgirl995

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The Starting Point Chapter 1 This is an introduction to what

1 faves · Nov 9, 2011 5:54pm






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