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I am a boy.
On behalf of all boys, I would like to inform you of a small fact:

No boy can ever be changed.

He will not give up his video games for you.

He will not stop making perverted comments with his friends.

And he will not always be willing to watch romantic comedies and snuggle by the fire.

Don't get me wrong, there's a time for all of that too!

But sometimes, boys have to be what they are...boys.

We have to wrestle, and be immature, and ding dong ditch, and work out until you can smell us from a mile away.

Stop trying to change us, because the more you try, the less we'll like you.

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I am a boy. On behalf of all boys, I would like to inform you

11 faves · Nov 9, 2011 4:18pm






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