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you left me for someone else, you changed because of someone else.whats next..... please tell what will happen befor it happens so you dont change me....  we were alike, we had more then a better friendship... and know that is falling and about to die so dont come back when our friendship is about to die because i am done with you and your life

                     i wish i didnt have to say that, i wanted to stop myself but if you dont change back to you and become what  you are and what is real. i am done because i dont want to be there when your life falls apart.
          i will miss you more than anything in the world and maybe you will miss me if i get lucky..........i really truly didnt want to say this and i dont want u to leave but you change and that is your choice...i will still be nice,and have  room in my heart for you but i wish we could have been more.......i know we are still like sisters  i just we could be more than close sisters

but i still love you more than a sister even if its not the same way with you. i will be waiting if you choose to come back but if have to be yourself or i will leave this time instead of you

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you left me for someone else, you changed because of someone

1 faves · Nov 7, 2011 3:54pm






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