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7 faves · 3 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




Mafinha · 1 decade ago
How old is he? My cat is 6, she started growing skinnier and throwing up, so I took her to the vet and turns out she had chronic kidney failure :(
Now she's on medication and will live a few more years since we caught the disease earlier, but many people have lost their cats around the same age as mine because of kidney/liver failure.

You should probably call to a pet store/vet and ask them to have a vet come over to your house, if possible. I hope your cat it okay.
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1234_KATIE · 1 decade ago
Call a vet yourself. Ask to speak 2 them. See what they say when you tell them he is becoming really skinny, very fast.
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MaziehDude · 1 decade ago
Awww! I know exactly how you feel, I would die if anything happened to my cat. Ours went skinny a few months back and his ears turned yellowish. He even stopped eating. Although I relentlessly begged for him to be taken to the vet, he eventually got better by himself. Sometimes it's just something they might have eaten in the streets, I guess? But if it gets too bad then you should definitely get him checked. You can also google his symptoms and see if anything comes up online from fellow cat owners :-)

I hope your cat gets better soon!
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