Witty Profiles

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Cross Out What You've Done.

Had a boyfriend.
Been kissed.
Been dumped.
Fallen in love.
Been called ugly, fat, sl*t, etc.

Jumped off a bridge.
Rode a roller coaster.

Eaten an exotic food.
Snuck out of your house.
Drank alcohol (or a sip)

Gotten so drunk you passed out.
Cut yourself on accident

Cut yourself on purpose.
Laughed so hard you peed your pants.
Had an eating disorder.

Called yourself ugly.
Met your idol
Been to a concert.
Watched 'The Exorcist' and didn't have a nightmare.
Eaten a bug
Read a book over a thousand pages.

Kissed somebody in the rain.
Been jealous of somebody else's relationship.
Climbed a tree.
Smoked a cigarette.

Smoked weed/pot.
Gone skinnydipping
Been backstabbed by somebody you once called your best friend.
Beaten somebody up.
Egged somebody's house.
Ding dong ditched.
Had a crush on your guy best friend.
Been told by your parents they hate you

Been to another country.
Answered all these questions honestly.

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Cross Out What You've Done. ♥ Had a boyfriend. Been

3 faves · 1 comments · Nov 3, 2011 3:35pm






destynistarr · 1 decade ago
Our first ciggarette.
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