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I am not just destructive to myself, I am destructive to the people around
me as well. If I decide that someone knows too much, if I decide I don't
want them around, I know how to get rid of them. I know how to destroy
our friendship. I'm not afraid to do it, either. I'm not afraid to hurt someone
for my own selfish needs. I'm not afraid to hurt someone because I don't
want them near me. I am not afraid to hurt someone for my own benefits. 
That is the scariest part. I'm just like a sociopath, I feel no empathy for
those I hurt. It isn't normal. I told someone up front that I didn't like them,
and not just any someone, my best friend. I lost her. I hurt her. But I did
not care because I had made her leave me alone, just as I had wanted.
It is a horrible talent to have, being able to make people go away when
you don't need them in your life anymore. What if they still needed you?
I just want to say though, the one person I would not ever do this to, is
Kayden. Kayden is different. Kayden is special. Kayden is flawless and
I would not ever forgive myself if I hurt her. 


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I am not just destructive to myself, I am destructive to the

8 faves · Nov 1, 2011 1:45am






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